Funding for projects that engage communities in safe, enjoyable and inclusive walking and cycling activities across the borough.
The Walking and Cycling Grants London (WCGL) scheme is provided by Transport London in partnership with The London Marathon Charitable Trust. Its objectives are to:
Increase walking and cycling in London (including new, lapsed or occasional cyclists).
Increase confidence in walking and cycling.
Increase walking and cycling frequency.
Make bike ownership more accessible.
Introduce exercise via walking and cycling to people who are particularly inactive.
Reduce social isolation and get people involved in their local community.
Grants of up to £10,000 over three years are on offer to constituted not-for-profit groups operating in Greater London.
The funding is for projects and programmes that remove the barriers to walking and cycling and enable all communities in Greater London to enjoy the benefits of active travel.
The deadline to apply is 10am on 12 September 2022.