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Shared Endeavour Fund

Groundwork working with the Mayor of London to offer grants of up to £45,000 for projects which identify opportunities to counter violent extremism in London.

The Shared Endeavour Fund welcomes applications from groups who can show that their projects will satisfy one or more of the following outcomes:

  1. Fewer Londoners developing, embracing or acting upon racist, hateful, intolerant or extremist views.

  2. More Londoners actively, confidently and safely challenging racist, hateful, intolerant or extremist views and content.

  3. Fewer Londoners radicalised into supporting hateful or extremist ideologies or being recruited into extremist groups.

  4. More Londoners resilient to online harms including online disinformation, misinformation and radicalisation.

Applications to the Shared Endeavour Fund are now open until Tuesday 3rd August, at 9am.

Learn more here

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