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Tower Hamlets Small Grants Fund

Writer's picture: All Ways NetworkAll Ways Network

East End Community Foundation are managing the Tower Hamlets Small Grants Fund on behalf of Tower Hamlets Council. Organisations can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 under 9 themes (although theme 8 has not opened yet!) – As you know, one of these themes (Theme 6) relates to Access and Participation.

The aim of this theme is to support voluntary and community sector (VCS) groups which are trusted by their communities to provide support, referral and informal advocacy services, connecting residents to the services that might best meet their needs and provide wider intelligence on the needs of their community. The Council is looking to fund activities that will enable community groups to act as a source of information and signposting and also activities that will help small organisations act as informed advocates on behalf of the communities they represent.

To be eligible for funding under this theme, organisations must be able to show that at least 50% of their trustees/committee/board members are from BAME communities.

Organisations with an annual turnover in excess of £250,000 are not eligible to apply to this theme and priority will be given to organisations with a turnover of less than £50,000 per annum.

The application form (and the guidelines) can be found on our website, but see here for easy access:

They would also like to encourage the organisations in the network to consider applying under other themes as well. Again, the full details of each theme can be found on the website:

The deadline for submitting an application is 12 noon on Monday 25th April 2022. However, we do have other deadlines coming up for this Fund: 12 noon on Monday 12th June 2022

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