The Toy Trust grant scheme is provided and administered by the British Toy and Hobby Association. It is available to registered charities working with children in the UK and throughout the world.
The funding is intended to help disadvantaged children under the age of 13 years and their families to:
Alleviate suffering
Support children through awful experiences
Encourage achievement through adversity
Purchase vital equipment
Provide care
Bolster existing initiatives
Initiate brand new projects
Satisfy basic needs.
Registered charities in support of disadvantaged children aged below 13 years and that are based in the UK or Ireland are eligible to apply. Applications will also be considered from organisations around the world that have a UK based office.
Organisations must have:
Supporting up to date financial accounts.
Been running for a minimum of one full year.
Ratio of administration and overhead to income of less than 30%.
Unrestricted net assets of not more than £200,000 or of less than one year's income.
During 2021, applications are welcome from small UK-based children's charities.
To learn more click here