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£5 Million in Funding Available to Support Vulnerable Energy Consumers

The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme (Energy Redress Scheme) has opened for its fifth funding round. A total of £3 million is available for charities and community energy groups to apply for grants through four funding streams.

The funding streams available are:

· The Main Fund, containing £1.8 million - aimed at projects seeking grants between £50,000 and £250,000 that will support households in vulnerable situations.

· The Small Project Fund, containing £300,000 – aimed at projects seeking grants between £20,000 to £49,999.99 that will support households in vulnerable situations.

· The Innovation Fund, containing £450,000 – aimed at projects that will develop innovative products or services to benefit households. Applicants can apply for grants between £20,000 to £200,000.

· The Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund, containing £450,000 – aimed at projects that will reduce UK carbon emissions and empower households to reduce their carbon footprint. Applicants can apply for grants between £20,000 to £200,000.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on 22 August 2023.

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